The Four
Sacred Gifts

Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

with Anita Sanchez
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Nourishing the Soil, Healing the Planet

with Arty Mangan
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AUG 3 - SEPT 14

MeToo to WeTogether

Transforming Gender Injustice into Beloved Community

with Gender Equity & Reconciliation International Trainers
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AUG 13 - SEPT 17

the Law

Tribal Sovereignty & the Rights of Nature

with Britt Gondolfi
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SEPT 18 - OCT 23

Regenerative Herbalism

The Healing Power of Plants

with Penny Livingston & Rosemary Gladstar
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OCT 3 - 24

The Rights of Nature

Drafting, Adopting, and Enforcing Rights of Nature Laws in Cities, Towns, and Counties

with Thomas Linzey & Mari Margil
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OCT 12 - MAR 16

A Course on The Imaginal

Cultivating the Visionary Self

with Alixa García
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OCT 30 - DEC 4

Sacred Activism

Meeting our Challenges as Gateways for Cultivating Relational Leadership

with Nina Simons &
Deborah Eden Tull
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NOV 12 - DEC 3

Your Emotional Ecosystem

with Karla McLaren
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Mar 20 · Jun 21
Sept 22 · Dec 21
Attuning to, Aligning with, and Serving the Flow of Universal Evolution
with Dr. Jude Currivan
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MAY 18 - JUN 8
Permaculture, Regenerative Design and Earth Repair for the Great Turning

Ecological approaches to creating regenerative systems that lead to a life sustaining society.

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SEPT 6 - OCT 11
Design Thinking for Leaders:
Making Innovation a Habit

Practical training for leaders to systematically build innovation into their problem-solving approaches.

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SEPT 26 - OCT 17
Slowing Down: Cultivating Healing Spaces of Belonging

Mindful and creative practices to help slow down, heal and collectively receive our greatest wisdoms.

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JAN 17 - FEB 7

EveryWoman's Leadership

Cultivating Ourselves for Full-Spectrum Flourishing

with Nina Simons

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MAR 1 - 22

Speak Your Truth

Leadership, Writing & Public Speaking for Social & Environmental Justice

with Jennifer Browdy
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APR 24 - JUN 26

Being a Good Relative

Allyship with Indigenous Peoples

with Alexis Bunten, Nazshonnii Brown-Almaweri, & Cara Romero
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