Regenerative Agriculture

Nourishing the Soil, Healing the Planet

with Arty Mangan


Regenerative agriculture offers a powerful way to transform industrial agriculture from a climate and environmental scourge to a life-affirming process worthy of doing the essential work of producing food. Imagine an agricultural system that, instead of degrading the environment, restores ecosystems, increases biodiversity and can capture some of the excessive amounts of atmospheric carbon fueling the climate crisis.

This multimedia course, features 24 contributors with a wide range of expertise: farmers, scientists, educators, activists and authors. We will delve into the fascinating world of healthy soil, gain a deeper understanding of carbonā€™s essential role in farming, and hear from farmers who will share their real world experiences as they implement regenerative practices on their land.

Theyā€™ll enlighten us on the practical applications and impressive potential that regenerative agriculture has to revive healthy, working landscapes; contribute to human and animal health; create an equitable food system; and help heal the climate.

Borrowing respectfully from Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and driven by the concept of biomimicry, regenerative agriculture is a knowledge-based system that returns farmers and ranchers to their rightful role as ecosystem mangers as well as food producers.

So, if you are a farmer, learn how to implement regenerative practices. If you are a gardener, these practices can be adapted to your scale. If you are an educator, increase your knowledge about the regenerative solution. And for anyone concerned with personal, family and environmental health, gain a working knowledge about one of the most effective an hopeful ways that we can heal our relationship to the planet.


Start any time and complete 6 modules at your own speed


On-demand videos, articles, and other learning materials


Instructor support and community space are available


  • A working knowledge of the principles and practices of regenerative agriculture

  • A deeper understanding of carbonā€™s role in developing healthy soil and mitigating climate change

  • How important biodiversity is in regenerating the land

  • An appreciation of the fascinating underground world of soil life and how it creates self- sustaining fertility
  • The 5 key practices of soil health
  • Why we must move away from the flawed, degenerate system of industrial agriculture and embrace regeneration






Arty Mangan is the Director of the Bioneers Restorative Food Systems Program and former Board President of the Ecological Farming Association, producers of the Eco-Farm Conference. His first experiences in agriculture were as a farmworker harvesting tobacco in Ontario, Canada, and picking peaches in West Virginia where he saw first-hand the unjust treatment of Black farm workers.

Later, as the proprietor of an on-farm, organic apple juice business in the Central Coast of California, he developed relationships that led to becoming the buyer for a national juice company working with farmers, processors and packing houses in California, Florida, Arizona, Mexico, and Costa Rica.

As the Project Manager for the Bioneers Restorative Development Initiative, Mangan, organized organic farming trainings for Black farmers in the Deep South. He also collaborated with John Mohawk, a Turtle Clan Seneca, on the Iroquois White Corn project to reintroduce the healthy traditional food of the Haudenosaunee Six Nations to buffer the epidemic of diabetes
among Native people.

Mangan also produced multi-day, on-farm training programs on urban agriculture, biodynamic farming, permaculture, etc. For the Dreaming New Mexico Project, he produced a video series on biocultural crops and traditional agriculture.

As the relationship between agriculture and climate has emerged as a prominent theme in the work of the Restorative Food Systems Program, Mangan has authored media series on Carbon Farming: Agricultureā€™s Solution to Climate Change, Regenerative Agriculture: Nourishing The Soil, Healing the Planet, and Where Water Flows Life Thrives: Ensuring Drought Resilience and Water Security for Farms, People and Ecosystems.


Regenerative Agriculture: Nourishing the Soil, Healing the Planet


With Arty Mangan, Director of the Bioneers Restorative Food Systems Program

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