APR 16 - MAY 7, 2025
WEDNESDAYS 10 - 11:30 AM (PT)

EveryWoman's Leadership:

Cultivating Ourselves for Full-Spectrum Flourishing

Live Online Course with Nina Simons


Nothing will serve our precarious future better than bringing the aligned capacity of each of us to leadership in all its forms.


We therefore cultivate full-spectrum diversity, within ourselves and among each other, not for political correctness, but because it’s critical for resilience, adaptation and survival. Just as nature’s ecosystems that are diverse in species rebound to health faster after trauma, diverse human systems are also more resilient. Now, when old systems are dying as we’re birthing a new world, it's essential to reimagine leadership holistically, through a culture-informed, full-spectrum gender lens.

After more than twenty years of facilitating diverse women leading change, and informed by her award-winning book, Nature, Culture & the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, Nina Simons offers interactive, engaged classes that welcome people in any phase of life into a kind, transformative space. She invites you into conversations and practices designed to strengthen your inner awareness, relational intelligence and clarity of commitment – necessary abilities for navigating the realities of this time while cultivating our own agency and flourishing.

Together, we will investigate how to balance compassionate listening, open-mindedness and humility with owning our own authority, trusting our inner guidance, and the freedom to assert ourselves when and as needed.

We’ll consider some of the underpinnings of patriarchal culture and explore more deeply what has kept many women competing and held others back from embracing and embodying leadership. We’ll identify a new model of leading that eschews binaries of all kinds, and integrates merging the rational with the intuitive in relational, strategic and collaborative approaches.

Employing deep listening and authentic reflection while prioritizing self-care, we will delve into practices and rituals for composting the self-limiting biases and inner voices that can defeat our efforts. We’ll consider, sense into and review what unique talents, gifts and loves we each embody and feel called to offer, to help clarify and strengthen our particular personal purpose. Together, we’ll also review some of the virtues that rebalancing the archetypal feminine within us all can bring to leadership, which are proving necessary in addressing the existential crises we face.

Who is this course for?

This course offers ideas, community & practices to strengthen women and girls, female-identifying womxn and nonbinary people to reclaim and own our agency as leaders dedicated to co-midwifing a healthier culture into emergence. Anyone who seeks to rebalance and clarify your own sense of calling among a caring circle of peers, from any background, age or place in life’s journey is invited. While intended principally for female identifying people, we invite, encourage and warmly welcome men who seek to strengthen their female sides.

This course will run from April 16 - May 7, 2025, with classes taking place on Wednesdays from 10 - 11:30 am (PT). Classes will be held via Zoom, and recordings of each class will be available for registrants not able to attend.




APR 16, 2025

Session Length


What We'll Explore:

  • Unearthing and Shedding Self-Limiting Biases and Beliefs

  • Paying Attention to Dreams and Intuition; deep listening for Guidance

  • Connecting with Nature as Mentor, and for Renewal and Solace

  • Developing Emotional/Relational Intelligence, including making space for self-care and grief

  • Clarifying a Sense of Purpose or Calling; reimagining leadership

  • Discerning When to Act, When to Ask for Support, and When to Listen for Guidance

  • Engaging with Differences and Growing our Discomfort Resilience






Nina Simons is Co-founder and Chief Relationship Officer at Bioneers, and leads its Everywoman’s Leadership program. Throughout her career spanning the nonprofit, social entrepreneurship, corporate, and philanthropic sectors, Nina has worked with nearly a thousand diverse women leaders across disciplines, race, class, age and orientation to create conditions for mutual learning, trust and leadership development.

She loves convening – both in-person and online - for mutual mentorship and shedding conditioning, and to explore methods and practices for reinventing leadership, reclaiming our whole selves, connecting across difference and co-creating communities of belonging.

Nina co-edited Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, and authored Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership—released as a second edition in 2022 with an accompanying discussion guide and embodied practices. The first edition won Nautilus awards in the categories of Women in the 21st Century and Social Change & Social Justice. Both are being used to ignite liberatory learning in individuals, circles and classrooms.


The sessions will unfold within a community of conscious support, mutuality and care, based on agreed upon principles of respect. This will allow us to share an embodied experience of how profoundly women and allies in authentic alignment can nourish and grow each other. 

Participants will be advised to read Nature, Culture & the Sacred, though it is not required. Portions of it will be shared in the resources and suggested review media offered before and between classes – simple exercises as well as video, audio and written resources to help deepen your learning. There will also be a community space, where you may surface questions or connect between sessions with others in the course.

Registration will require a brief application, and some scholarship support is available upon request.

EveryWoman's Leadership:
Cultivating Ourselves for Full-Spectrum Flourishing

$349 USD

Join Nina Simons for conversations and practices designed to strengthen your inner awareness, relational intelligence and clarity of commitment – necessary abilities for navigating the realities of this time while cultivating our own agency and flourishing.

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