$349.00 USD

Attuning to, Aligning with, and Serving the Flow of Universal Evolution

Live Online Circles of Experiential Exploration with Dr. Jude Currivan

4 Non-Consecutive Sessions at the two solstices and two equinoxes

Mar 20, Jun 21, Sept 22, and Dec 21, 2024
9 - 11 am (PT)

Full Course Details

A century ago, philosopher Teilhard de Chardin wrote, “Someday, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire.” That someday is here and now. Join cosmologist, futurist, and author Dr. Jude Currivan in a participative circle of exploration to attune to and align with our living, loving universe. Together, we will discover who we really and truly are and who we can evolve to become.

Leading-edge scientific evidence across various fields of study has begun to converge with Indigenous and universal wisdom teachings. This convergence illuminates the true nature of our universe as one that is conscious, evolving, and unified — a nature that enables us to seek our own unifying narrative of meaning and purpose in our universe’s emergent story. This story flows through us, both personally and collectively. It invites us to remember that we are microcosmic co-creators and unique expressions of its wholeness.

You are invited to join Dr. Currivan in four sessions throughout the year, during the “here and now” moments of the year's turning. This unique course is structured around the two solstices and two equinoxes. The two-hour sessions will take place from 9-11 a.m. (PT) on March 20, June 21, September 22 and December 21. These sessions will be held via Zoom, and recordings of each will be available for registrants not able to attend.

Bioneers Learning offers a limited amount of scholarships for individuals to attend this course. These scholarships are meant to ensure diverse participation and representation, prioritizing financial support for youth of color and youth from under-resourced communities. Bioneers values bringing together people from a multiplicity of identities and backgrounds. We encourage persons from ALL backgrounds/identities/communities to apply! You are welcome here, apply now: https://forms.gle/5jbVBvwGpsmHL4rJ8